DevOps environment
Next-Gen platform
DevOps is one of the software development methods, and it is a method to surely release software by the development method in which the development staff and the operation staff cooperate and cooperate. By combining DevOps tools using GitLab's GitOpt and GitLab RUNNER with Google Cloud ™ ️, CI / CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) that can be expected to improve development and operation accuracy and reduce load is realized.
DevOps Services
What is DevOps?
About DevOps
What can be solved
Manual testing and building without know-how on automation
Deployment optimization
The deployment procedure has become complicated and mysterious, and it has become a profane.
More efficient
I'm interested in CI / CD, but I'm busy with my daily work and I don't want to try it.
Unify the environment
There are cases where a program that worked well in the test environment does not work in the production environment

In various cases as described above
To promote agile development
We support the construction of the infrastructure.
In the various cases mentioned above, we support the construction of a foundation to promote agile development.
DevOps is a concept that increases the value of a business by collaborating with a development team (Development) and an operations team (Operations). Both the development and operations teams' missions are "not only to increase the value of the business with the system, but also to continue to deliver the value of the business to the end user more reliably and quickly", however, the development team "to the system". "Adding new features" threatens the "stable operation of the system" of the operations team, and even if the "mission to aim for" is the same, the approach to achievement is different, so it is often a conflict.
For example, there may be disagreements such as "the operations team does not understand the importance of service releases!" Or "the development team does not understand operations well!".
DevOps emphasized the importance of collaboration between development and operations teams .

What is CI / CD?
About CI / CD
Test automation and build reliability
CI / CD aimed at auto scaling (example of Gitlab + GKE)
Operation Operation.

We can flexibly propose and respond regardless of the scale.
Please feel free to contact us.
CI (Continuous Integration)
CD (Continuous Delivery)
In system development / operation, there is a life cycle related to automating builds and tests (= CI) , merging tested code and releasing it to the production environment (= CD), so CI / CD are combined and CI / It is called a CD .
The sequence of flows as CI / CD is called "pipeline".

(An example using GitLab + GitLab Runnder)
On GitLab, there is a function called "Merge request starting from business issue". Starting from the issue (= issue) that was created, a branch for repair is created from the source repository and reflected in the source with the approval of the reviewer (merge). ) It is possible to link a series of flows. Furthermore, by preparing a related product, GitLab Runner, it is possible to build a pipeline with high affinity such as to the CI / CD process as it is by using the merge as a trigger.

(An example using GitLab + GitLab Runnder)
On GitLab, there is a function called "Merge request starting from business issue". Starting from the issue (= issue) that was created, a branch for repair is created from the source repository and reflected in the source with the approval of the reviewer (merge). ) It is possible to link a series of flows. Furthermore, by preparing a related product, GitLab Runner, it is possible to build a pipeline with high affinity such as to the CI / CD process as it is by using the merge as a trigger.